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Hampton Dene Primary School

One School, Cherishing All


Half term break: Monday 17th - Friday 21st February
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Eagles (Year 6)

Welcome to Eagles Class


Dear Parents of Eagles Class,


Welcome back to school ; I hope your child had a wonderful Summer break. 


A reminder that P.E will be on Wednesday and Thursday so your child will need their P.E kit on these days. Your child will need to read daily with a signature from yourselves in their reading record. Homework will be given out every Friday and will need to be returned by the following Friday. 


If you have any queries over the course of the school year, please do not hesitate to get in contact.


Mr Davies

Eagles Class Teacher

Below is a quick flavour of Year 6 during 2022-2023

Year 6 Residential Trip to London


On May 24th, we departed for London at 6:30 am (with a few tired eyes) on our way to Harry Potter World! When we arrived, we looked round The Forbidden Forest, Privet Drive, Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade! 


Next on the agenda was a trip to the SeaLife Centre where children saw a variety of aquatic animals and got to hold a starfish if they wished. A stop off to Gourmet Burger Kitchen or Pizza Express on the way to our hotel helped to quell any empty stomachs.


After a restful night's sleep and a buffet breakfast to boot, we embarked on a voyage to the banks of The River Thames, where children had a tour around Shrek Adventure World and an unrivalled view of London from The London Eye. Finishing the evening, children went to the Cambridge Theatre to watch the musical 'Matilda'.


On our final day, Friday, we went to the Natural History Museum for a look around and a workshop on fossils. 


All children were a pleasure to take away and all staff and I had a fantastic time. 


Mr Davies

Pictures from London

Field Trip to The River Wye


Eagles class walked down to The River Wye (having mapped out the quickest way using Digimaps) and studied multiple features of the riverbank. All children took a picture of the riverbank (using it to create a sketch later at school). Having previously measured a stretch of ten metres along the river, children dropped an object into the river, and timed using a stopwatch how long it took to travel 10 metres - this was repeated three times to generate a fair test. Using these results, we were able to calculate the average speed of the river (1.5 m/s).


Sketch Maps of The River Wye by Summer and Amelia

Lighthouse Project


Our class book for Autumn term is 'Castle By The Sea'. A lighthouse in this book is central to the story. Children from Eagles Class designed a lighthouse to replicate this. The colour of them was a traditional red and white, or a atypical 1940s camouflaged lighthouse. 


Children created a design brief, sourced the majority of items they needed, and then created their designs over the course of a day.

Musical Performances!


Over the course of a half - term, children learnt how to read and write music whilst playing a range of different instruments. Children created a piece of music in 4/4 time, decided which instrument should play when in the piece and when to use dynamics to achieve the desired mood of the music. 


We studied the technical names of different notes, and after a few lessons of writing and practising, groups of children performed their creations to the rest of the class. 

