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Hampton Dene Primary School

One School, Cherishing All


Meet the Teacher - Bees Mon 9th. Owls and Kites Tues 10th. Hawks and Butterflies Wed 11th. Caterpillars, Ospreys and Eagles Thurs 12th. Kestrels Fri 13th.
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Week 4

Week 4

This week the children completed:

Leaf crowns!

  • Collect autumn leaves to create a leaf crown.

Leaf identifying!

  • Explore the FS site and identify leaves using a range of woodland trust resources  

Bird Habitats!

  • Look at and identify the different soft toy birds. Create homes and nests for them to live in. Use clay to create eggs, think about sizes of eggs and where their nest may be hiding.

Bird spotting!

  • Use the bird hide, discuss different birds we might find at forest school, what do they eat? Use bird identifying cards/ clip board.


