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Hampton Dene Primary School

One School, Cherishing All


After school clubs start on Monday 13th January and will run for 5 weeks.
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Times Tables

As you may be aware there have been recent changes to the National Curriculum. One of the major changes is that children should be able to recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12x12, by the end of year 4.


Across the school we are having a huge push on learning our Times Tables. We have found that many of our children struggle to retain their knowledge of the tables and as they move onto learning a new table, they forget the ones they have learnt previously.

02 - Dancing Country Twos (2 Times Tables).mp3

03 - Hip Hop Threes (3 Times Tables).mp3

04 - Celtic Fours (4 Times Tables).mp3

05 - Latino Fives (5 Times Tables).mp3

06 - Piano Rock Sixes (6 Times Tables).mp3

07 - Eastern Sevens (7 Times Tables).mp3

08 - Rockin Eights (8 Times Tables).mp3

09 - Reggae Nines (9 Times Tables).mp3

10 - Funky Tens (10 Times Tables).mp3

11 - Retro Dance Elevens (11 Times Tables).mp3

12 - Happy House Twelves (12 Times Tables).mp3
