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Hampton Dene Primary School

One School, Cherishing All


Half term break: Monday 17th - Friday 21st February
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Parent Carer Voice Newsletter

School Nurse Service

We believe every child deserves to be the best they can be and everyone is committed to ensuring ALL pupils have every chance possible to achieve their full potential.

If your child has SEND you can be rest assured that we will do everything we can to support them and you to ensure their time at primary school is happy, meaningful and successful.


How do we identify pupils with SEND ?

Children are monitored closely and their additional needs will be highlighted early. Our main ways of identifying pupils will be:

  • Talking to parents and following up any concerns they may have.
  • Rigorous monitoring of pupil progress. If pupils fall behind age-related national expectations action will be taken and they may be put on the SEN register.
  • Talking to staff especially if they are concerned about a pupil’s behaviour or self- esteem.
  • Talking to external agencies who can support in identifying specific needs.
  • Working with health professionals who may have already identified needs and health issues.
  • Talking to pupils themselves. They often know when they need additional support.
    How will the school support my child?
    We are proud to be a highly inclusive school. We have created nurturing, inclusive environments centred on high quality teaching. Staff are well trained to develop programmes of study that are differentiated and multi-sensory so all pupils can access learning at their level. We use lots of practical equipment and use a range of teaching techniques. All classes have access to a range of IT, including laptops, ipads and recording equipment. Classes are well staffed and teachers are supported by trained Teaching Assistants.
    The progress of every child is monitored by class teachers, senior staff and the SENCo. If pupils fail to make progress they will be given personalised, targeted support. This support will be recorded on a Pupil Passport (PP) which we will share with you and your child. These are written by the class teacher in collaboration with the SENCo and any other professionals working with your child.
    Support could include:
  • Group intervention work in or out of the classroom
  • 1-1 support in or out of the classroom.
  • Individual targeted support programmes either practical or computer based.
  • Counselling
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Physiotherapy/Occupational therapy
  • Personalised pastoral support
  • Alternative curriculum provision such as gardening; cooking; bike maintenance.
  • Nurture groups
    Throughout these programmes of support pupils are closely monitored and provision is adjusted if that’s what’s needed.
    If pupils still fail to thrive then we seek the support of outside professionals such as Learning Support; Educational Psychologist; Speech and Language Therapist; Behaviour Specialists; Health; Child and Adult Mental Health Services (CAMHS).
    Families can also be offered help and advice from our staff members. They will meet with parents to discuss issues and concerns and signpost to agencies who can help them further.
    How will I know how my child is doing?
    We have an open door policy and you are always welcome to come in to discuss your child at a mutually convenient time.  If you want to see your class teacher it is best to ring ahead and make an appointment. 
    We always welcome contact with parents and we will give you advice on how to support your child at home as well as show you what we are doing in school. 


Who do I contact if I want to know more?

Mrs K McEnery - SENCo

Mrs E Kearns - Headteacher



In response to the ‘Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years’ (January 2015 ‘the code’), all Local Authorities must publish a ‘Local Offer’:

  • To provide clear, comprehensive, accessible and up-to-date information about available provision and how to access it, and
  • To make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly involving disabled children and those with SEND and their parents, and service providers in its development and review.

For more information on Herefordshire Council’s Local Offer go to:


SEN Policy and Information Report
