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Hampton Dene Primary School

One School, Cherishing All


After school clubs start on Monday 13th January and will run for 5 weeks.
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Work at Home Resources for Parents

In the event of a whole-school closure, we hope you find the following useful in supporting your child with their learning at home. You will also find further information and website links on our school website page found under children/school closure resources for parents.

Lots of resources and websites can be found under the tabs 'Children' then 'School Closure Resources for Parents'.



We are currently reading 'Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown'. Each child has brought home a coloured cut out of Flat Stanley. What will this Flat Stanley get up to? Keep a diary of his adventures. Remember to include photographs or drawings too.

In your writing:

  • use capital letters for the start of sentences and proper nouns
  • use adjectives (describing words)
  • form your letters correctly and join your handwriting if you have been learning this in class


  • use conjunctions to extend your sentences
  • start your sentences in different ways


Below is a link to watch and listen to the story.


Please continue to read and listen to stories daily. Discuss what you have read (the characters, the setting and the plot) and make predictions.



Each child has a pack of both written and practical mathematical activities. Please aim to complete some of these activities daily.

Included in the pack are letters and passcodes for the websites 'Sumdog' and 'Maths with Parents' which offer various activities.


Remember to :

  • practise counting numbers
  • practise timetables
  • practise adding and subtracting numbers


Art and Crafts

Be creative …

Can you design and make a house or bedroom for Flat Stanley?

Use 'junk materials/recycling objects' from home.

How many different types of materials can you use?


Further Resources










