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Hampton Dene Primary School

One School, Cherishing All


We wish all of our children, families, staff and governors as restful and enjoyable summer break.
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Week 1

Ladybird's first visit to Forest School


This week Ladybird's Class visited the Forest School (FS) site for the first time. We played hide

and seek, explored the area and learnt the three main FS rules NO PICK, NO LICK and STOP!.


NO PICK teaches us to enjoy the wild flowers, leaves and plants with our eyes rather than picking them. 

NO LICK keeps us safe, by teaching us not to put our fingers in our mouths. We often forage for sticks, pine cones, fallen leaves and our hands get super muddy so keeping them out of our mouths keeps our tummys safe! 

STOP encourages us to keep ourselves safe, we stay within the coned off area and can explore the coppice, orchard and long grass independently aslong as we keep inside the boundary. 


We searched for minibeasts, completed a scavenger hunt and climbed up and over the new bridge. 


