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Hampton Dene Primary School

One School, Cherishing All


School Tours for Reception Class 2025 - Please phone the school to book. 01432 273232
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Week 4

Clay Faces!

Some of the children spent a long time making clay faces, exploring the site for leaves, conkers and anything they could find to add detail to their faces! 


I wonder if you can guess which one is Mrs Skyrme??

Treasure Hunts, Worm Digging, Instrument Making and Whittling!

The children had a go at making musical instruments this week, another idea inspired by the children. They decided it would be a good way to recycle their plastic milk bottles. Some added conkers and acorns to make shakers. Others dug in the mud for worms and minibeasts. We also collected lots of treasures and found as many different coloured items as we could. Whilst everyone was super busy the children and I had a little go at whittling a stick, we learnt how to handle tools safely and make sure we always sat inside a 'blood bubble' to keep others safe. 
