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Hampton Dene Primary School

One School, Cherishing All


Meet the Teacher - Bees Mon 9th. Owls and Kites Tues 10th. Hawks and Butterflies Wed 11th. Caterpillars, Ospreys and Eagles Thurs 12th. Kestrels Fri 13th.
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ELSA is supporting children in the development of their emotional literacy.


What is emotional literacy?

  • Understanding and coping with the feelings about ourselves and others
  • Developing high self-esteem and positive interaction with  others
  • Being emotionally literate helps children focus better on their learning.


Some of the areas the ELSA work on;

  • Recognising emotions
  • Recognising feelings
  • Self esteem
  • Self confidence
  • Anxiety 
  • Friendship skills
  • Resilience 
  • Anger management
  • Loss and bereavement


How does the ELSA work?

  • A regular slot roughly 30 minutes
  • Sessions can be individual or small groups and tailored to each individual needs
  • Sessions are fun and might include: roll play, puppets, lego, games and arts and crafts etc
  • They include time to talk
  • A pupil’s progress will be reviewed on a half term basis
  • Purposeful interventions


Hampton Dene's ELSA's are Miss Warman and Mrs Lawson
