Modern Foreign Languages
French is the core language taught at Hampton Dene Primary School. Our planning is based on a progression of skills developed across the Key Stage. It is the intention that all children in Key Stage 2 will access comprehensive teaching of French for practical purposes, including speaking, reading and writing, and to prepare them for secondary school. This teaching should also include cultural studies, including an additional language of the class teacher’s choice, to nurture pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world.
MFL Linked to Brave Explorers Curriculum:
Focus |
Skill/Attribute in the context of MFL |
Independence |
Is more confident in the knowledge of personal strengths and weaknesses. |
Imagination |
Consider strategies for overcoming obstacles, including the use of resources available to them. |
Resilience and Adaptability |
Sustains concentration and demonstrates interest in their personal progress. |
Team work |
Shows value for other children’s ideas and comments. |