In the event of a whole-school closure, we hope you find the following useful in supporting your child with their learning at home. You will also find further information and website links on our school website page found under children/school closure resources for parents.
Continuing on from our work in class, the following objectives would be useful for you to explore at home:
- To count, read and write numbers to 50 in numerals, including counting in two, fives and tens.
- To practice addition and subtraction sums within 20.
- To recognise and name common 2D and 3D shapes.
- To practice comparing, describing and solving practical problems involving length, height, weight and volume (for example, the glue stick is heavier than the pencil).
There are some great online resources to support these objectives including:
I have sent home logins for 'Maths with parents' in the pupil's home learning packs. These also include some additional resources to support the children's learning of the three objectives listed above.
English - Writing
Writing objectives that would be useful for you to explore at home are:
- To practice spelling the Year 1 common exception words as well as next terms spelling tests (included in home learning packs). It would be beneficial for your child to practice these in a sentence as this will ensure understanding of the word as well as the correct spelling.
- To focus on letter and number formation, capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
- To extend sentences using the word 'and' to link events and ideas.
There are some excellent resources available online to support writing:
I have included some writing stimulus on our class page. Others ideas are:
- To write a list of all their toys using bullet points.
- To write a set of instructions on how to make a sandwich etc.
- To write their own version of a story.
- To continue creating some new adventures for 'Stick Man'.
- Write a letter to someone and/or write an email to me.
English - Reading
The children are progressing so much in their reading at the moment, I hope this will continue at home. The objectives below would be beneficial to cover whilst reading with your child at home are:
- To read a range of texts that are phonically decodable, quickly, accurately and confidently.
- Actively discusses a wide range of poems, stories and non-fiction texts that are read or listened to and makes links between what is read and their own experiences.
- To make simple inferences based on what is said and done, including predicting what might happen next, based on what has been read so far.
To support their reading, there are many online resources including:
- - online reading books
- - you can sign up free as parent and access resources.
Topic - 'Toys' and 'Greenfingers'
- Count and make a list of all your toys.
- Sort your toys into groups.
- Talk to parents and grandparents about toys they had when they were your age.
- Write about your favourite toy.
- Design, label and create a new toy using materials found at home.
- Research artists that have used flowers and plants as inspiration. (Van Gogh - sunflowers, Antoni Gaudi - clay modelling).
- Create a flower, plant or nature scene using colouring pencils, paints or salt dough and take a picture.
- Do a bird/bug watch (
- From your bird/bug watch, create a fact file for one of the them, it must include:
- A drawn picture, with labels
- There name
- Where they live? Is it hot or cold?
- What they eat? Are they a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore?
- Your favourite fact about them.
Suggested Science Activities Year 1
Our curriculum objectives for this term have been all about the seasons changing from Winter to Spring and observing the weather.
- Watch the video on spring on BBC bitesize and tell an adult as many signs of spring as you can.
- If you can, go for a walk and try and spot as many sign of spring on the checklist as you can.
- Make a diary recording the weather each day for a week. Draw a weather symbol for each morning and afternoon.
- Make a rain guage and record the rain fall every day for a week.